Our Mission & Vision Statement
Motto Statement:
Igniting Hearts. Illuminating Minds. Radiating Joy.
Shorter Motto:
Hearts & Minds Ablaze!
Mission Statement
The Cathedral School of St. Matthew ignites hearts with the love of God and for our neighbor, illuminates all knowledge through the light of faith, and radiates the joy of the Gospel. Our tradition of Catholic education is kindled and animated by Christ, who is the source of all truth, beauty, goodness, and love.
Vision Statement
Together with parents as the primary educators, the Cathedral School of St. Matthew provides students with an educational environment permeated with the spirit of love and Gospel joy. Within this environment, we educate the whole person in the richness of the Catholic Tradition. Our school community ignites the hearts and minds of our students to love the Gospel and to receive all knowledge in the light of faith. Thus students become true disciples, radiating joy in their service to one another and witnessing to Christ’s love and mercy in the world.
Witness Statements
We support the families of our children, recognizing parents as a child’s primary educators.
We are a community ablaze with the Catholic Tradition; Christ is our inspiration, kindling our work as educators and students.
We radiate Christ, helping to form Christ in the lives of our students.
Informed by Catholic anthropology, we recognize the dignity of every child, and work to ignite their hearts and minds with a desire to grow in learning and faith.
We illuminate all knowledge with faith.
We enkindle a desire to know the true, the good and the beautiful.
We pray together and celebrate the Eucharist together, encountering the very One who enlightens our minds and fires our hearts.
Formed in knowledge and love, our students are disciples who witness to Christ’s love and mercy in the world.
Our students radiate Christ’s love with joy, thereby offering Christ’s love to all those they serve in our community, especially those most in need of His mercy.